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About Local Governance Research (LGR)

LGR is uniquely situated at the intersection of basic political science and urban policy research and the practical world of public program design, implementation and management. This year has been quite productive, with publication of 10 journal articles and two reports. Research and grant writing and survey assistance services have been provided to over a dozen individuals and organizations to date in 2022. Below are several recent articles and reports. For a complete list click here.

Recent Reports and Publications

IBM report cover
Feiock et al. Covid-19 and it Impacts: Seven Essays on Reframing Government Management and Operations
PNAS cover
Tong et al., Measuring social equity in urban energy use and interventions using fine-scale data
Shrestha and Feiock, Toward a Multiplex Network Theory of Interlocal Service Contracting
Clark et al. 2022
A data framework for assessing social inequality and equity in multi-sector social, ecological, infrastructural urban systems
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Feiock and Kim 2021
Political Market and Sustainability Policy

Meet the LGR Leadership Team

Richard Clark Feiock

Richard Clark Feiock serves as Founder and Executive Director Executive Director of LGR. He has studied and worked with local governments for over 35 years. CV

picture of Tianfeng Li
Tianfeng Li
Research Associate

Dr. Tianfeng Li holds a Ph.D. in both Economics and Public Administration. He serves as Research Associate and Agent for LGR in Florida.

Soyoung Kim
Research Associate

Dr. Soyoung Kim holds a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and studies brain science and decision making in disaster management. Dr. Kim serves as chief methodologist for LGR.

Research Affiliates

LGR employs a team or research affiliates drawn from leading institutions in the US, Latin America, Europe and Asia. Research affiliates work collaboratively in conducting research, publishing and pursuing grant opportunities. Current and former funders include the IBM Center for the Business of Government, National Science Foundation, Florida League of Cities, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, and Aspen Institute